Monday, February 22, 2010

Behind the scenes

The day started out wet and gloomy but the sun came out just in time for us to take pictures of the new merchandise. As the Katherines ran around helter-skelter, in contrast our model Dany was ultra-professional, even putting us in our places ("Direct me!" she demanded of us on several occasions.) The process took longer than I would have ever anticipated (over four hours). As a budding photographer I had no idea what to expect until I uploaded those images up onto Adobe Lightroom that night. My prior experience has been with furniture and the feedback I get from them has been mostly non-existent (there were artistic differences but we parted ways amicably). But with the help of Katherine Chiu as my fellow art director we were able to work through some aesthetic issues and sporadic weather and lighting.

There were some felicitous moments. For instance, we found a delightful red junk bucket outside of Dany's apartment that would prove to be one of the best props for the day's shoot. Some of our more brilliant and terrible artistic directions of the day were, "Stand by the car and pretend like you are waiting for someone," or "Channel more Urban Outfitters," or "How can we think more like a hipster," and finally the frequent, "oh, that's so Etsy."

Kat Chiu, holding down the fort

Pretending to be waiting for someone FAIL

Forcing Dany to break into a stranger's car

Channeling inner hipster

Calling for more Urban Outfitters

In addition to her part-time modeling career, Dany is also a wonderful artist. Check out her work at

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